Business 5G Mobile Plans

The following are the Terms and Conditions applicable in respect of the Mobile Plans available to pay monthly business customers (“the Customer”). Access to and use of any of the below tariffs (“Tariff”) is subject to the following Terms and Conditions. For more information, please contact Customer Care on 100 (call is free) from your Melita Mobile number, or +356 77100100 from any other network.

  1. This Tariff will start from the 18th May 2021 and will continue thereafter unless and until it is terminated by Melita.
  2. This Tariff is available to new Customers or existing Customers entering into a 24 Month Term agreement with Melita (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Agreement’).
  3. Customers subscribing to this Tariff shall be charged a monthly access fee in advance according to the Tariff plan chosen and shall be charged for the respective services according to the applicable tariff rates.
  4. Customers subscribing to the Business 5G Lite Tariff at the monthly access fee of €9.99 shall benefit from:
    1. Free calls to Melita mobile and Melita fixed line numbers from Malta and EU;
    2. 100 minutes to other local mobile and fixed line number from Malta and EU;
    3. 100 free SMS to all local mobile numbers from Malta and EU;
    4. 5G mobile data at the maximum download speed of 50Mbps and up to 5Mbps in upload speed charged at the rate of €0.05/MB; and
    5. Unlimited use of MelitaWiFi.
  5. Customers subscribing to the Business 5G Tariff at the monthly access fee of €27.99 shall benefit from:
    1. Free calls to all local fixed and mobile numbers from Malta and EU;
    2. Free SMS to all local mobile numbers from Malta and EU;
    3. Unlimited calls and SMS to Group 1 country numbers from Malta;
    4. Unlimited 5G mobile data* at the maximum download speed of 50Mbps and up to 5Mbps in upload speed; and
    5. Unlimited use of MelitaWiFi.

* Roaming Fair Use Policy: From 1st January 2025 customers roaming within the EU for periodic travelling, shall be eligible to consume 45GB volume of data with Business 5G Tariff**

  1. Customers subscribing to the Business 5G Super Tariff at the monthly access fee of €29.99 shall benefit from:
    1. Free calls to all local fixed and mobile numbers from Malta and EU;
    2. Free SMS to all local mobile numbers from Malta and EU;
    3. Unlimited calls and SMS to Group 1 country numbers from Malta;
    4. Unlimited 5G mobile data* at the maximum download speed of 200Mbps and up to 20Mbps in upload speed; and
    5. Unlimited use of MelitaWiFi.

* Roaming Fair Use Policy: From 1st January 2025 customers roaming within the EU for periodic travelling, shall be eligible to consume 48GB volume of data with Business 5G Super Tariff**

  1. Customers subscribing to the Business 5G Max Tariff at the monthly access fee of €34.99 shall benefit from:
    1. Free calls to all local fixed and mobile numbers from Malta and EU;
    2. Free SMS to all local mobile numbers from Malta and EU;
    3. Unlimited calls and SMS to Zone 1 country numbers from Malta;
    4. 50 minutes and 50 SMS to Zone 2 country numbers from Malta***;
    5. Unlimited 5G mobile data*;
    6. 1GB of mobile data applicable when roaming in Zone 6 and 7;  and
    7. Unlimited use of MelitaWiFi.

* Roaming Fair Use Policy: From 1st January 2025 customers roaming within the EU for periodic travelling, shall be eligible to consume 56GB volume of data with Business 5G Max Tariff**

** The above allowances apply for any given billing period. This volume allowance is calculated in line with EU law and shall be available to customers whilst roaming in the EU / EEA. Any data usage consumed over and above the GB roaming data allowance mentioned above shall be charged at the EU regulated surcharge rate. Any data usage above the domestic data allowance shall be charged at the standard domestic data tariff rate, with a surcharge. The surcharge is available here.  The volume of data allowance and the surcharge shall vary periodically in accordance with EU law. All international usage, maritime roaming usage and inflight roaming usage both within and outside the EU and roaming usage outside the EU are not included as Roam Like at Home Tariffs. These will be charged at the standard international and roaming rates found on our website. Customers subject to a Month-On-Month Charge, shall be eligible to consume a further 12GB volume of data, on a monthly basis whilst roaming in the EU & UK.

  1. Customers subscribing to the Business 5G Mobile Tariffs and benefitting from free calls and free SMS to local fixed and mobile numbers shall be understood to mean free calls and SMS from Malta to all local numbers and whilst roaming in the EU to EU numbers.
  2. Any unutilised balance, minutes, data or any other benefits from the subscription fee shall not be carried forward and cannot be redeemed for cash. Rates for calls, SMS and data, whether local or international, as well as roaming, premium calls and premium SMS will be charged as published on the Melita website
  3. Customers subscribing to the Business 5G Lite Tariff may choose to purchase:
    1. 1GB of data for an extra monthly charge of €5; or
    2. 10GB of data for an extra monthly charge of €10; or
    3. Unlimited calls and SMS to local numbers for an extra monthly charge of €10.
  4. Customers subscribing to the Business 5G or Business 5G Super Tariffs may choose to purchase 50 minutes and 50 SMS to Zone 2 country numbers from Malta for an extra monthly charge of €5.
  5. Should a Customer exceed any additional bundles purchased, default rates will apply.
  6. The 5G network is attainable through the use of a 5G enabled handset.
  7. If the Customer terminates the Agreement, disconnects, downgrades or migrates onto a different Tariff plan before the lapse of the 24 Month Term, Clause 10 of the Standard Terms and Conditions shall apply.
  8. All charges deriving from this Tariff are exclusive of VAT, Excise Tax and any other applicable taxes, unless otherwise explicitly stated.
  1. Migration requests to any other tariff plan are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective tariff. Melita reserves the right not to entertain migration requests by Customers from this Tariff onto another tariff plan.
  2. Customers subscribing to this Tariff shall also be bound by Melita’s Standard Terms and Conditions and any other relevant terms and conditions shall apply, provided that in case of conflict these Terms and Conditions shall apply.
  3. This Tariff is subject to a Fair Usage Policy as follows: If, in the reasonable opinion of Melita, the Customer’s use of the Tariff is excessive, Melita may ask the Customer to moderate his/her usage. If after Melita has informed the Customer to moderate his/her usage, the Customer fails to do so, Melita reserves the right to suspend or terminate the Customer’s service or migrate him to another tariff plan. Furthermore, Melita reserves its right to suspend or terminate the Customer’s service if he/she abuses of the service and/or uses it in a way for which it is not intended such as a SIM box.
  4. Melita reserves the right to suspend, amend or otherwise alter this Tariff and these Terms and Conditions at any time by giving you 30 days’ written notice of such amendments and such amendments shall automatically become part of these Terms and Conditions at the end of the said notice period. If you do not accept any such amendments, you have the right to migrate on to a different tariff plan or terminate the service without incurring any penalty during the 30 day notice period.

*** As from 1st December 2023, Customers on the Business 5G Max Tariff shall be eligible to 200 minutes and 200 SMS to country numbers outside of Zone 1, from Malta.

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