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The Ultimate Solution for Hospitality Satisfaction

Monday, August 16, 2021 by Melita Business

The Ultimate Solution for Hospitality Satisfaction

Providing an incredible hotel room experience thanks to Melita Business.

Whether it is day to day operations or facilitating the ease of guests and tourists, Melita Business goes above and beyond customer expectations when it comes to the hospitality industry.

There are two types of travellers; guests who are simply looking for a place to sleep at night while enjoying the great outdoors and exploring. These guests are normally easy to please as they are not expecting too much! However, then there are guests who are looking to relax and make the most out of your hotel experience. These guests are the ones that you should watch out for as they will be expecting a hotel experience, and rightfully so, that is better than their own home.

Your hospitality business should accommodate both of these types of travellers. Our service will help you achieve that, and more.

Whether you are running a hotel, a boutique accommodation, any type of residence that accepts guests, or a guest house, we can help you provide your guests with the ultimate and most cost-effective multi-room TV, Wi-Fi, and multiline telephony solution.

Best in Class TV Solution

Melita Business offers the best, low investment, convenient TV management solution for the hospitality industry. This will enable property managers to easily control and display customised content and show it on multiple TVs in different rooms.

Our solution also provides the very best for guests as it offers a variety of TV channels and packages. Additionally, our system is designed to allow for future additions, integrations and changes that may arise.

Furthermore, we can also provide you with the installation process of top brand TV sets in each of the hotel guest rooms.

Smooth Wi-Fi and Telephony Services

It is no surprise that seamless Wi-Fi is extremely important for all guests. Our solution caters for high spec telecoms, conference facilities, Wi-Fi for guests and staff, both in-room and in the lobby area, plus the full integration with hotel TV and telephony services.

Choosing Melita Business will mean that your Wi-Fi signal is strong in every single room. Most importantly, the network will be secure and easily accessible through individual guest passwords. Smooth, easy, and convenient for all!

High Tech Infrastructure

No more visiting room-by-room! Our single-location solution eliminates this hectic step since our customisable Graphical User Interface (GUI) can tailor your guests’ screen experience and keep it up to date with all the relevant information, using your choice of marketing. This means that if you have specific advertisement going on at your hotel, you can widely show it, not just at your reception, but also in guests’ rooms.

Interested to know more? Contact us today, let’s talk!

Melita Business

Melita Business

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