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Strong internet connections all around your office

Thursday, August 13, 2020 by Melita

Strong internet connections all around your office

How to get the best internet connection at work and accelerate your office WiFi with Melita Business

Having strong and stable WiFi at home is great but having a reliable internet connection at work is absolutely vital.

Fast, hassle-free internet is no longer a frivolous wish but an increasingly necessary tool for every business – from large international accounting firms in Mriehel to high street retailers in Sliema.

At Melita Business, we provide the best business internet connectivity in Malta and Gozo. If fast, reliable, secure internet is for running your company, we can create a package that’s right for you.

Take advantage of all the perks of being a Melita Business customer, such as blistering internet speeds, Melita WiFi wherever you go in Malta and great rates on Melita Mobile, fixed-line telephone and Melita television services. Depending on the business bundle you choose, you could even benefit from direct line fibre optic connectivity to our industry-leading Melita Data Centre in Madliena.

Accelerate your business with Melita

How do you make sure that you’re making the most of your office internet connection? Thankfully, Melita Business is here to help you. Whether you run a small firm, larger operation, or a multi-location business, we have the experience, expertise and technical solutions you need. We also understand that every business is different and often requires a dedicated networking and connectivity plan.

To get started, there are a number of questions that we need to address in order to best-equip your work environment. Some examples of the questions that you need to consider include the following:

•           How many users will be connected to your network at any given time?

•           How many devices will need to be connected?

•           Do you have a large cloud-based accessible system?

•           Do you have remote employees who need to connect to your network?

•           Does your business require a fixed IP address?

•           What kind of redundancies do you wish to have in place?

•           How secure is your network from local and international threats?

Once you determine the answers to the above questions, you should have a clear direction of the scale of your operation and be in a better position to seek out adequate solutions for your networking needs. You’ll also need to consider the physical footprint of your building. This will take into consideration aspects such as where to place access points and which equipment will be needed in the long term to guarantee the best possible wired and wireless connection within your business. An example of the amazing things you can do with wireless connectivity is our Stellar Wifi.

StellarWiFi reaches every corner of your business premises

Stellar WiFi turns your office into a smart office.

It increases WiFi range at full speed to give reliable, fast and smooth WiFi across your business premises, from the boardroom to the warehouse.

Stellar WiFi uses Plume SuperPods, which fit into electrical wall outlets to spread the internet to every corner of the building at optimal performance.

It’s internet that doesn’t cut corners, creating a secure WiFi mesh around your business premises, allowing you to move from office to office with no glitches, no re-connecting and real-time cyber security.

Flexible internet solutions from Melita Business

At Melita, all of our solutions are tailored to your business size and location and are fully flexible.

Our network solutions broadly fit into three categories:

•           Wide Area Networks connect devices over large areas ensuring fast access from end-to-end. These are great for multi-location businesses that need to work off of a single, unified, centralized system that updates in real time.

•           Local Area Networks make sure that there is seamless integration between all the devices in your building. This kind of network is fantastic for high-speed and secure access to data from users within the same building

•           Melita Business WiFi is the most common connection method for many businesses and with good reason. With our corporate WiFi, you can access data seamlessly from any device connected to the network and you can do this on the move. The system also has the benefit of being cable-free, which is ideal if you love a clutter-free lifestyle.

At Melita, you’re in safe hands. We have more than 20 years experience in the telecommunications industry and are Malta’s leading provider of next generation broadband, fixed and wireless connectivity services. Solid technology is our backbone and our internet solutions are tried and tested around the world. Our workforce has extensive industry experience and is trained to the highest standards to offer the very best service to our customers.

Get in touch with us and find out how we can help you accelerate your business.



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